Welcome to our frequently asked questions page.  Here we have a list of our most popular questions asked.  If you do not see the answer you are looking for here please contact us.

Viscosity, 100 °F, ASTM D-445, SUS 65.0~75.0
Viscosity, 40 °C, ASTM D-445, cst 10.8~13.6

Viscosity, 100 °F, ASTM D-445, SUS 370~410
Viscosity, 40 °C, ASTM D-445, cst 72~79.5

Viscosity, 100 °F, ASTM D-445, SUS 36~40
Viscosity, 40 °C, ASTM D-445, cst 3.0~4.0

Mineral Oil is a white oil – a liquid petroleum derivative
Mineral Seal Oil is a solvent – a petroleum hydrocarbon distillate

Viscosity of 96% Material at 40°C is 142 cst

We use Norit 12×40 mesh Activated Carbon.

PTI uses FFFF grade pumice with these dimensions:

325 mesh – PAN
.0017 inches
44 microns

(100 gram samples are split and screened dry on a Rotap Shacker for 10 minutes with sieves meeting ASTM E11-61T)
(Procedure similar to ASTM D392, method A.)

Yes – Federal Specification TT-I-735 A and B

-ASTM Specification D 770

– This product has a listing under National Sanitation Foundation Standard 61

Shelf life varies from product to product. Different environments where chemicals are stored, effects the shelf life as well. A good rule of thumb is 2 years after container is opened. Call if more detailed information is required.

No – There are no inhibitors, dyes, or water added.

No – There are no inhibitors, dyes, or water added.